What Happens to Insects When it Rains?

Where do mosquitoes go when it rains? During the summer, all people want to do is enjoy the outdoors without worrying about insects, especially mosquitoes. Can you escape mosquitoes and other insects during a pleasant summer rain, a full-blown storm, or will the pests continue to prevail? In this article, you will learn the answer to the question, “Where do mosquitoes go when it rains?”, how the rain affects bugs that fly, and what rain bugs you can expect to see in larger numbers in the rain.


Where Do Mosquitoes Go When it Rains?


mosquitoes in the rain

So, where do mosquitoes go when it rains? Unfortunately, they don’t go anywhere you would like them to. They do not drown and they do not hide away in light rain. In fact, mosquitoes seem to come out in droves during a light rain. 

Rain produces puddles and collects in anything with a bowl shape, like planters, buckets, bird baths, and even toys. Anything that collects water can become the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. 

Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, so if you want to prevent a mosquito boom about a week after rainfall, you must dump out any standing water that has been collected on your property. Mosquito eggs can not hatch without water.

Sometimes, when the rain is heavy, mosquitoes will seek shelter. You are probably hoping that this means you can be free of mosquitoes, at least for the duration of a storm. Unfortunately, that is not the case. 

In a storm, mosquitoes will seek shelter where they can: under leaves, outdoor debris, and under your covered patios and decks. If you have a place you can sit outside during a storm and remain dry, the mosquitoes will also take advantage of that place. 


Understanding Mosquito Resilience in Rainstorms

Mosquitoes have adapted to survive in conditions where many other insects would fail. One of their most impressive traits is their ability to withstand rainstorms. This capability is crucial because mosquitoes generally thrive in warm and humid environments, which often experience frequent rainfall.

Let’s break down why this trait is so important:

  • High Exposure Frequency: During a typical rain shower, a mosquito might be struck by a raindrop every 20 seconds, as noted in research findings published by the journal, Nature. This high frequency means that resisting the impact of rain is essential for their survival in their natural habitat.
  • Survival and Reproduction: Being able to withstand these conditions allows mosquitoes to carry on with their activities, such as feeding and breeding, even during adverse weather. This resilience supports their life cycle and increases their chances of survival across generations.

Thus, the ability to weather rainstorms is not just a useful trait but a fundamental aspect of the mosquito’s survival strategy in its preferred humid and rainy environments.


Bugs That Fly


ladybug in the rain

Now that you know the answer to the question, “Where do mosquitoes go when it rains,” you are probably wondering how bugs that fly, like mosquitoes manage to survive in the rain. After all, a raindrop is about 50 times bigger than a mosquito and falls at about 22 miles per hour. If a human was hit by a single drop of water that was much bigger than them and falling that fast, they would most likely not survive, so how do bugs that fly, like mosquitoes do it over and over again?

Their secret is their tiny stature combined with an immensely strong exoskeleton. It seems like a paradox that the minuscule size of the mosquito would be what saves it from the weight of the comparably giant raindrop, but it is exactly that, that keeps the rain from mortally hurting the mosquito. 

Mosquitoes weigh a lot less than the average raindrop. As the raindrop falls, it loses very little momentum as it hits the mosquito and in turn exerts very little force on the mosquito.  Mosquitoes also don’t fight against raindrops. When hit, they go along for the ride before using their wings and legs as a sort of sail to lift themselves out of the raindrop before slamming into the ground.

Not all bugs that fly fare as well in the rain as mosquitoes do. Without the mosquito’s size-to-strength ratio and ability to ride the raindrop, other insects get washed away and ultimately drown if they can not find shelter in time.


Rain Bugs


rain bugs

Mosquitoes are not the only pests you will see during and after rain. Rain bugs, while they do not all suck your blood as female mosquitoes do, can be just as infuriating. Cockroaches, termites, and stinkbugs love wet weather.  You will likely see an increase in activity from these insects during wet weather.  

You also might notice an influx of insects in your home. Bugs that are not as equipped to handle the rain like spiders, ants, and wasps will seek shelter anywhere they can. Your home is a perfect place for them to escape the rain. Not only does your home provide a refuge from the risk of being washed away, but it also has ample food for pests to enjoy as they wait out the storm. 

Where do mosquitoes go when it rains? If the rain is very heavy, they might seek shelter as the other insects do. mosquitoes are a terrible nuisance outside, but if they join the rain-averse bugs in your home it will be even more frustrating. 


Get Rid of Rain Bugs

Now that you know how to answer, “Where do mosquitoes go when it rains?” you probably want to know how to get rid of them. While the rainy weather brings mosquitoes out and less rain-friendly bugs into your home, there are ways to combat these pests. As discussed earlier, it is important to dump out any standing water to prevent mosquito eggs from hatching. It is better to prevent a mosquito infestation than to battle a current one if you can. You can also wear insect repellent. Any repellent that contains DEET will help keep mosquitoes and other insects away. 

Keeping insects out of your home is a bit more labor-intensive. While cleaning up crumbs and taking out your garbage regularly can do wonders, insects can still make their way into your home in search of shelter and any bit of food you might have left in a place they can get to. 


Home Bug Maintenance

You should do regular maintenance on your home like filling in caulk cracks around the baseboards, cabinets, and windows in your home. Check window screens for holes and only briefly take them out if you need to clean them. Your home could have entry points that you do not see. Do your best to find all of them, but you are likely to miss some.

Your best bet to beat mosquitoes and other pests is to employ an exterminator. Mosquitoes can carry diseases like West Nile Virus and Malaria, so eliminating them will not only get rid of a nuisance, but it will also help reduce the chance of you or your family catching a serious disease. 

Skeeter Beater is a proven solution to your pest control needs. Whether you want to get rid of mosquitoes in time for a special event or if you are just sick of getting bitten, Skeeter Beater has the expertise to eradicate pests without harming your family. 

If you are interested in Skeeter Beater’s pest control services, feel free to contact us with any questions. 

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